The batteries used in our smart phones today have an average life of two years. The life is not over in a jiffy but with high usage it just becomes slower and does not perform as it does in the very beginning when we buy a new set of smart phone. This is disappointing as two things happen, most people who are not so tech savvy they are forced to get a replacement of their battery and not every phone today comes with a removable battery. The second thing that happens is that you have to start looking in to upgrading and buying a new phone. So, every alternate year you have to replace your phone with a better phone. How many people will upgrade to better phones if battery had not been an issue in the first place? Not many! And this spell can be broken as science experts have found a way to make batteries that lasts for as long as a decade.
This can be a huge deal breaker for the lithium-ion batteries as their life is not very long. There have been rumors about a new tech in batteries and it is about time the lithium-ion batteries are replaced with something that is better and performs more efficiently and does not need replacement (if there is a replacement option available that is) Lithium-ion batteries are not just there for phone but they are also used to power electricity grids and they their short lives are not helpful with that. Phones can be replaced and you can get a replacement easily every alternate year but one needs to be careful when their house is running on solar panels and the money they are saving in electricity bills is spent in replacing the batteries. Not to mention the lithium-ion batteries are extremely difficult to recycle as well. The science experts and Harvard have found a way out, which if made common can solve a lot of problems for lithium-ion powered appliances and devices.
The batteries they have made as a result of their experiment is called a flow battery. This flow battery is designed to stored energy in liquid solutions. The liquid solution in the battery converts molecules in electrolytes, ferrocene, and viologen to make them stay and work properly. This liquid solution makes them soluble in water and does not let the battery lose its performance and life gradually over time. Such technology and such kind of batteries need regular maintenance but they work fine. Their life cycle can go way above 10 years and they do not misbehave or decrease in their performance in fact a battery shows a slight decline after being fully charged for more than a 1000 times literally and 1000 times or in fact way under than is the performance period of a lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion batteries lose their lives or at least their performance nearly around a 1000 charge cycle which is nearly as long as one and a half years.
The CEO of cheap dissertation writing services firm said that dissolved in water, the batteries’ molecules use 1% of their overall performance and they continue to work just find. That one person drops after 1000 charge cycle. Now, this is something great for the people who are tired of changing their phones over and over again even though they almost love their phones a lot and do not feel like changing it. The battery uses all things non-toxic and it does make things safe as well. There is no news on whether this battery is hitting the markets or not and if the product is open for purchase or when it will be available out there as this was an experiment and it turned out to be successful too. But the experiment is in the process of making the technology further cheap and using cheap materials to cut down the cost of the battery.
The flow batteries are not yet in the market and the science experts at Harvard University are still testing the battery and running tests on it for now. What we know for sure is that this will be something that people can get more benefit in both short and long term. Flow batteries use light weight low cost materials and so that makes these batteries affordable and they will be affordable more than the lithium-ion batteries for personal use and for electricity power backups and all. If the flow batteries somehow make it to the consumer market sometime soon and all the appliances and devices start carrying the same batteries that are called the flow batteries, the money spent on replacing huge batteries on the solar panels for domestic and commercial use would go down to a great extent and energy will be used by not spending heaps of cash on battery replacement because currently, the lithium-ion batteries are all over the place and are being used to backup power for industries to devices as small as smart phones.
Not only that these batteries are very difficult to recycle they are also not very successful of a power backup because it uses a combination of things that might even explode. Does it make you remember any phone that was called back lately? The shape of the phones did not support the size of the batteries and thus the batteries found it difficult to survive with such low protection between the two points. Lithium-ion batteries are a problem and they are soon to be replaced by better batteries that are safer, cheaper and more efficient and have a long life, that do not require replacing until more than a decade has passed and these batteries are going to be a game changer once they are out as the chances are that if flow batteries are successful, they will be a lot cheaper in prices and they will be the most successful ever experiment and the best thing that has happened to batteries yet.
Author Bio:
Ashley Sewell is writer of this article. She works for a dissertation writing services company and often writes articles on social issues as well as on education and tech.