When you are going to investigate anything, then first of all, you should ensure confidentiality. In the second, you should create a plan for the investigation. In the third, you should develop some investigation questions. In the fourth, you should have the ability to make a decision. At last, you should develop the results of the investigation. If you have all of these qualities, then you will be able to investigate your PhD thesis. In this article, we will give you some tips to investigate your PhD thesis.
- Compare Your Phd Thesis With The Guidelines Of Your Supervisor
When we are asked to write a thesis, then some guidelines to write a thesis are also given. It is necessary for us to write the thesis according to the guidelines of our supervisor. When you are going to investigate the PhD thesis, then you should check that whether your PhD thesis is written according to the guidelines of your supervisor or not. If it is not written according to the guidelines of your supervisor then you should edit it and try to write it according to the guidelines of your supervisor.
- Check The Structure And Format Of Your Thesis
As we know that there is a proper structure and format to write any kind of the academic paper. In the similar way, when we are going to write a PhD thesis, then we will also need to follow a proper structure and format. In order to investigate a PhD thesis, you should check that whether your PhD thesis is written with the help of proper structure and format or not. In this regard, you should get a thesis sample and compare it with your thesis. In this way, you will get the idea that whether your thesis is written in professional structure or not.
- Check The Authentication Of Your Phd Thesis
It is also necessary for you to write a thesis with the help of valid sources. If your thesis is written with the help of valid sources, then it will be authenticated for the audience. On the other hand, if your thesis is written with the help of ordinary sources, then it will not be authenticated for the audience. When you are going to investigate your thesis, then you should also check that whether your thesis is written with valid sources or ordinary sources.
- Check The Language Of Your Thesis
As we know that a thesis is a structured piece of writing and it should be written with proper English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Moreover, the sentence structure should also be accurate. There is no need to write your thesis with the help of simple sentences. In this way, when you are going to investigate a thesis, then it is also necessary for you to check the language of your thesis. Moreover, you should also try to remove the grammar, punctuation and spelling errors from your thesis.